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  /  About AGAPO

What we do

The primary focus of the non-profit organisation AGAPO is to support vocational abilities of the people with special needs or people socially disadvantaged in the geographical area of Brno city and its surroundings. With this support we aim to improve their quality of life, as well as their independency and self-sufficiency level in areas of of social inclusion and job opportunities. To fulfil this goal we help to strengthen personal competences, skills and abilities of the service users so they regain confidence to use common social sources, find and keep an adequate job that would help them to live better social life. To achieve this goal we provide a social rehabilitation service based on: Advisory service, Supported employment, Social skills training and Transition program. We are working hard on a general reintroduction of these issues in different light, breaking prejudices in society about employing handicapped people, and not only within general public or employers but also amongst the disadvantaged people themselves.

The purpose of this service is to solve a difficult life situation together with the service user. Our clients are developing their self esteem, skills and positive customs with help of our social workers. Acquiring a job is an important outcome, however, not the only aim of this cooperation.

Professional, individual and equal approach towards all the service users is our fundamental rule.

Clients of AGAPO, o.p.s. are persons between 16 and 64 years of age, who suffer from health or social disadvantage. All services we provide are free of charge.


First aid for resolving a difficult situation

The program Basic advisory service helps our clients to clarify their current life situation and shows what possible solutions there are to improve it and what kind of work is suitable for them. Together with clients we attempt to solve their uneasy life situation and help them to orientate in jobs market. We provide basic support during the job seeking period. We offer a help on a social-law field, including problem solution in social-law, or employment-law area. If necessary we provide a contact with other organisations. Our services are offered for a period of two months with a possibility to continue in one of our following programs such as Supported employment or Social skills training.

Support during job seeking

This program focuses on job seeking and how to keep the job within the common work environment. Based on client´s skills and possibilities we point out what can we help with, set a personal goal or directly find or recommend a suitable job placement. We look for support in client´s surroundings such as their family or friends. This service follows with steps of: how to write a CV, a motivation letter, how to address the employer and an interview preparation. If situation requires, we escort our client to the interview as well as offer an assistance to get used to a new work position. Work-law or psychological advisory support is also available.

We aim to offer exactly as much support as is necessary for seeking, getting and keeping a job. The cooperation between us and our clients should develop towards their independency and self-sufficiency not only when searching for a job but also in various other life situations. This service is provided up from 6 months to 2 years.


Before you start to seek a job

Program Social skills training helps with developing skills that are needed for job seeking such as dealing with offices, employers, getting around the city, making phone calls. This service is provided up from 6 months to 2 years.


From school to work

Transition program is program for students attending a specialised college for students with learning difficulties, who want, after finishing their studies, to find a suitable job at the open job market.

Students absolve a placement in the work place with a common employer, gain some work experience and social skills, increase their independence and prepare for entering the open job market.

We search for a suitable placement of the work experience based on client´s interests, skills and wish. We set a deal and conditions of the work placement and arrange the complete paperwork. We provide an assistant, who will be present at the workplace and if needed, will help our client with work or communication with the employer or with other employees and customers. If needed, assistant also arranges escort to the workplace and back to school or any other agreed place. Work-law advisory service is also part of this program.

Work experiences placements start with consent of the school and the employer mostly in the working weekdays in the afternoon, once a week for 2 hours during the whole school year. Participation in this program unconditional and the cooperation can be terminated at any time, or try a different work experience placement.


To employ a person with a certain handicap often faces many worries, prejudices, but also overestimated expectations. One of our tasks is to sooth these worries. On the field of employment of the people with health or social handicap we offer free consultations and advice, supported by broad experience and long term practice. Important for us is opened, fair and correct communication.

Additional activities:


For our clients or members of public we offer Afternoon workshops AGAPO, focused on different topics, mostly in work-law problematic area. These are motivational-educational courses. Participants will receive information, knowledge and skills on the field of open market employment. They also have a great opportunity to meet with other people who have similar experiences with job seeking. We offer the participants a possibility to learn and understand better how and where to search for job opportunities. We can recommend how to apply for a job, teach how to write a CV or a motivation letter. We can advice how to prepare for a job interview and get to know the work-law relationships.

Participation on this seminars and courses is free of charge and there is no need to sign up in advance.

Our team

Ing. Jakub Purdjak
Company head manager

Mgr. Zuzana Medňanská
Methodical manager, a contact person for the programmes Supported employment and workshops

Bc. Lenka Libánková, DiS.
Social worker, a contact person for Transition programme

Mgr. Magdalena Jarošová
Social worker, a contact person for Transition programme

Mgr. et Mgr. Pavel Vichlenda
Social worker

Mgr. Markéta Jindřichovská Brabencová
Occupational therapist

Bc. Alena Jančí
a worker for contact with employers

History of Agapo

2021     Establishment of the Occupational Rehabilitation Center

2020     Moving from Zelný trh to the new offices in Masarykova street

2019     Mosty 2018 award ‒ nomination in category Non state subject for Transition programme and Supported employment

2018     We are forming a new vision for year 2025

              Award in competition “National award in career advisory 2018 for complex services for disadvantaged clients.”

2016     Awarded with a Faculty status by dean of Pedagogical faculty of Masaryk University

2015     Our team grows of a psychologist

2013     Legal form changes from Civic Association to Public Service Company and starts a course of basic law awareness Law for life

2011     Founding of AGAPO, o.p.s. Number of clients in a year exceeded 100

              Country Winner ‒ ERSTE Foundation Award for Social Integration

2010     Moving from Cejl area to the new offices at Zelný trh

2007     Start of a motivation-educational course Job Club. We register a Social Rehabilitation service

2006     Union for Czech Republic awards: Quality award ‒ Inspection certificate for Supported employment programme

              Czech union for pro supported employment approved a right to use a label Supported employment ‒ excellent quality / valid until 2008

2004     Founding of AGAPO, o.s. Start of programmes Supported employment and Transition programme

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